UPLOAD DOWNTOWN 5 gaat voor zijn vijfde editie pitch black: de Belgische premiere van de 'integrale' documentaire 'Alles Moet Nieuw' , over leven en werk van Piet Zwart (1885-1977): binnenhuisarchitect, industrieel vormgever, reclametypograaf, fotograaf, criticus, docent en door de BNO uitgeroepen als 'ontwerper van de 20ste eeuw'. Zwart noemde zichzelf 'typotect' (typograaf en architect) en was vernieuwend, eigenzinnig en zo veelzijdig. Maak in 75 minuten kennis met Bruynzeel- keukens en potloden, postzegels en Berkel-advertenties. Aan UD6 wordt ondertussen hard gewerkt; we halen dan de roller coaster weer van stal, met een veelheid aan kortfilms, fragmenten, interviews, animaties etc.
Tijdig reserveren blijft de boodschap! Tickets voor studenten kosten 1 euro. Na afloop van de voorstelling is er een Upload Downtown afterparty in het gloednieuwe café UFO (Fotomuseum)
Waar en Wanneer? Woensdag 28 novemberl 2012 om 20u in Cinema Zuid! (Lakenstraat 14 - 2000 Antwerpen)
Bekijk hier de 1ste, 2de, 3de en 4de editie.
contact: info@uploaddowntown.be
Tickets hier online verkrijgbaar 5 euro, studenten: 1 euro
Visit the UD Facebook page.
The film shows an eight-minute drive through Paris in the early hours of the morning (05:30hrs), accompanied by sounds of a high-reving engine, gear changes and squealing tires. It starts in a tunnel of the Paris Périphérique at Porte Dauphine, with an onboard view from an unseen car exiting up on a ramp (and from there following this route) to Avenue Foch. Well-known landmarks such as the Arc de Triomphe, Opéra Garnier, and Place de la Concorde with its obelisk are passed, as well as the Champs-Élysées. Pedestrians are passed, pigeons sitting on the streets are scattered, red lights are ignored, one-way streets are driven up the wrong way, center lines are crossed, the car drives on the sidewalk to avoid a rubbish truck. The car is never seen as the camera seems to be attached below the front bumper (judging from the relative positions of other cars, the visible headlight beam and the final shot when the car is parked in front of a curb on Montmartre, with the famous Sacré Cœur Basilica behind, and out of shot). Here, the driver gets out and embraces a young blonde woman as bells ring in the background, with the famous backdrop of Paris.
1976 / 08:35 / FR
Het werk van Victor Moscoso (1936) is als een blikseminslag: de psychedelische rock&roll posters die hij ontwierp voor de ‘Hippy’ dance halls en clubs in San Francisco, in de ‘Summer of Love’ (1967), maakten hem wereldberoemd. Als lid van de Zap (Underground!) Comix Artists kreeg Moscoso's werk, eens te meer, internationale aandacht. Victor is nog steeds aan het werk in Marin County, ten noorden van San Francisco. Het fragment komt uit de documentaire ‘American Artifact: The Rise of American Rock Poster Art’ van Merle Becker.
American artefact (extr.) 2009, USA, ± 6 min
UPLOAD DOWNTOWN is an initiative of Michel Van Beirendonck, Reg Herygers, Ben Boliau & Arpaïs Du Bois and is supported by St Lucas University College of Art and Design Antwerp and the Karel de Grote Hogeschool.
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Een stream-of-materialistic-consciousness, het Platonische ideaalbeeld van de commerciële hip hop of R’n’B clip, opgetrokken uit de artefacten van zijn afspiegelingen.
Thomas Traum / 2010 / UK / 04:53 /
Music by Gustav Mahler – Symphony No. 5 in C sharp minor – 04 – IV.
Visual artist Charlotte Young pokes a bit of fun at herself with this video of her artist’s statement. Charlotte Young is an artist, writer and comedian who makes things up. She has co-written a book with acclaimed artist and musician Billy Childish, published by the L-13 Light Industrial Workshop. She is a regular contributor to 3:AM Magazine. In 2008 she received the Owen Rowley Award for Art (£600) but did not invest this money wisely and is now receiving benefits. Her video ‘Artist’s Statement’ received over 200,000 hits on youtube within a fortnight of its appearance. It has since been a featured video on Gawker, BoingBoing, Cathedral of Shit, ART FAG CITY and Saatchi Online. Todayimadenothing.wordpress.com
2011 / 01:54 / UK
We would like to THANK!:
Claude Lelouch, Merle Becker, Thomas Traum, Charlotte Young, Elisabeth Dee, Sherman De Jesus, silkscreen team: Paul Lettany and our partners Cinema Zuid, Ufo cafe & Guido Verelst (Deepfocus)
Jeff Keen's filmmaking activities have been dominated by random factors from the start. His initial involvement grew from an association with a Brighton art college film society, which acquired 8mm equipment: 'I was almost like a film factory...I was just turning out movies to justify the existence of the film society.' His earliest extant film, the second version of 'Wail' survives only in an out of focus 8mm dupe and an even more visually bizarre 16mm blow-up taken from it. By 1965 he had made a twin screen 8mm movie 'The Pink Auto' that by its very nature can never be shown identically twice. In 1967 overcoming a reluctance to unite one particular image track with one particular soundtrack in perpetuity, he added sound to his first 16mm film Marvo. Kinoblatz.com
2008 / 02:11 / UK
2012 / Theaterversie 75:00 / NL
Sherman De Jesus / Memphis Film & Television